Project Hope Nigeria
Yea, we are building another school. Now, with Mexico completed, we move on to help another nation impoverished by a lack of income. Families there work just so they can feed and take care of their families, but there is no schooling for these children. That, my dear friends and partners of Angela Greenig Ministries, has cause for us to reach out our hands of hope to help this incredible little village with many children who just need your extended hand now. As of September 1st, 2015 we said YES to Pastors Joel and Jennifer Chuks to help them with this great need.
Education is a necessity, and in Nigeria not every child has access to an education. So, our goal is to provide an educational environment where kids can be taught the word of God and the English language, as well as providing a daily hot meal to them. We currently have 200 kids that need class rooms, basic school supplies, and materials such as curriculum, physical education, uniforms, computers etc. We have a goal to build classrooms and a kitchen where food can be prepared from. Most of these kids come to school with no food, and we have witnessed children pass out due to hunger. We have a passion to change that.
Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." John 4:35